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    Residential & Multi-Family

    What We Offer

    Basement Excavation

    We specialize in residential foundation excavation & backfill for homes of any size.

    • New home builds –  creating a cavity to install a six to eight foot tall basement, along with sewer systems, and cover it with a sturdy foundation.  Our expertise in the industry ensures your excavation is done right and professionally the first time.
    • Existing Homes – renovations that may require a basement redone, demolition and/or foundation to rebuild, Superior Trenching Ltd. has the expertise and equipment to handle the project.

    Trenching & Excavation

    Superior Trenching Ltd. performs all trenching & excavation services for:

    • Water, sanitary, & storm service installations.
    • Power & communications installations as well as 4 party servicing.

    Location & Inspection

    Superior Trenching Ltd. performs portable pipe push cameras for sewer and drain video inspection of residential sanitary lines up to 100 feet in length. We can help you locate blockages or advise on any repairs needed to ensure a properly functioning system.

    Take The First Step

    And Contact Us

    With over 38 years of experience in the industry, we take our commitment to quality work seriously.  Contact us today to see how we can assist you on your residential or multi-family projects.